Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Ever-Changing Title

BRIDE OF VENGEANCE ~aka ~ THE GUNSLIGNER'S BRIDE has a new title twist!

Seemed another Harlequin Historical had used THE GUNERSLINGER'S BRIDE title in the too-recent past, so my editors sent me a note stating that the title of BRIDE 2 shall hence forth be known as:


Lily does have a wild side *g*


Missy said...

OK, I just have to say it....
It is SO mean to have an excerpt for a book that I won't be able to read until July! *sigh* It's going to be a LONG winter!!!!! ;-)

Stacey Kayne said...

LOL!!! Sorry, Missy. The wait isn't easy on the author ;-) I finished the book months ago, and I LOVE this story--cannot wait for Juniper and Lily to hit the shelves :) At least this time you'll have plenty of time to read the first BRIDE book *ggg* Although, each book does stand alone ;-)